Registration procedure and fees

Registration fees for JSI 2025:

Invited speakers

0 €


154,55 € HT (170 € VAT included)

Academic staff

245,54 € HT (270 € VAT included)

Industrial exhibitors

1227,28 € HT (1350 € VAT included)

Industrial participants

454,55 € HT (500 € VAT included)

Registration fees cover participation in the days, lunches, coffee breaks and the gala meal on Thursday evening.

Registration for JSI is done in three steps:

  1. Pre-registration on You will receive a confirmation email inviting you to complete the registration.
  2. Submit your abstract on the "Submit a contribution" page and follow the instructions, in particular use the template.
  3. Registration on Azur colloque to pay the registration fees. Please send your purchase orders to with a copy to

=> Registration on Azur colloque

For payments on Azur colloque:

- bank card: only payment possible for foreigners and laboratories not managed by the CNRS.

- bank transfer (laboratories managed by the CNRS): a “CNRS” order form will be established in the name of the participants and sent to DR04 of the CNRS.

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